To improve your can control, there are a few key things you can work on.
Distance. The closer you get to the wall—up to a certain point—the cleaner the line. Too far away, the line is fuzzy, too close, the line can start to splatter.
Speed. The faster you go, the thinner and sometimes the cleaner the line. It isn't about going as fast as you can, it's about finding the speed to get the line you want and avoid drips.
Can angle. Keeping the can parallel to the wall can help make a cleaner line. If the can tilts a little, it can start to flare on one side. This often happens at the high and low points of the letters when you're reaching.
Practice is the only way to get your can control better. But there are definitely three things that you can work on while you're practicing. Number one is distance. If you're too far away from the wall, the line's gonna be fuzzy, and if you're too close, the line could start to splatter a little bit. So you need to find that distance to get the line quality that you're looking for. Next is speed, going faster. Can help you avoid drips and get thinner cleaner lines, while going slower and getting too close may result in a lot of drips and splattery lines. Last is one I fuck up all the time. This is the angle of the can. So a lot of times, when you're going high, the can will tilt back, or if you're going low, the can will tilt forward, and this will cause the line to flare out a little bit. So if you want a consistent thickness of line, you want to keep the can parallel to the wall.
#graffiti #cancontrol