What’s your favorite cap for Rusto? Here’s a quick rundown of my top picks.
1. Rusto Female Fat: Fits right on the can, so no adapter needed. Decent spray pattern and good for fills or thick lines.
2. Rusto Female Thin: Also fits right on the can and it’s great for finer lines and details. The rest require an adapter to fit on the Rusto valve.
3. Boston Fat: The spray pattern is excellent. In my opinion, it doesn’t get better than this cap on Rusto.
4. Boston Thin: Great all around thin cap. Good for fine lines and details.
5. Skinny Cream: As far as spray patterns go, this cap rocks on Rusto and can achieve very thin lines. I don’t know if it’ll clog fast, so bring extras.
6. NY Fat: Excellent cap with a similar spray pattern as the Boston Fat.
7. Lego: This is a bit of a hybrid cap, so it’s not too fat or too thin. Capable of being an all around cap that can be used for just about anything from fills to outlines to details.
8. Tried the Hydra to see if it would work on an Uprok adapter, but it didn’t spray. It just splattered a bit of paint out.
We're gonna go through some of my top picks for rusto caps. So the first one is the rusto female fat. It fits right on the can. Got a decent spray pattern, good for fills. Next we got the rusto female thin. Also fits right on the can. Good for outlines, highlights, details and such. Next we got the Bostons, two of the best caps for rusto The Boston fat sprays a lot like the New York fat cap works really well on adapters. Boston thin, I think, is pretty similar to something like the universal thin. It's got a good spray pattern, good for clean lines, thin lines, details and stuff. Then we got the skinny cream. I really like how this sprays, but I don't know how it holds up in terms of clogging. But yeah, if you want thin details. This is really nice. Then, of course, we got the classic New York fat cap. It's hard to really talk about. It's just everybody knows what's up with the New York fat. Then we got the Lego cap. Also sprays pretty similar to the New York fat, but thinner, nice spray pattern, good for outlines. It's a good all around cap, so you could fill with it if you want. Then I put the lightning cap on an uprock adapter to see if it would work, and it did not work.