At first, I thought the Variator Cap was a bit of a gimmick, but after really using it, I'm finding it really useful. It fills bigger areas quickly when turned all the way up; when all the way down, it is very precise for filling small areas and details. It also works really well for gradients. #graffiti
I initially thought this variator cap was a bit of a gimmick, but then I tried it in a piece, and actually found it really useful. When opened all the way up, it fills in large areas very fast. But then if you need to get more precise, like sometimes when you have to fill in a small spot, you can just turn the pressure down and fill that in, and then turn it back up and fill in large areas. So I thought it was really cool for that, also similar to the transversal fat cap, it does really well for gradient fades. I honestly think this is probably going to be my go to cap for fill ins, because I just really like the flexibility of being able to fill small areas and big areas all with the same cap.