Grimy Graff!

A lot of graff is judged by how clean everything is, but there’s something to be said about intentional grimy stuff in graff. I remember painting with SE-ONE AWR back in the mid 90s and he had a great grimy style. Later on, we started seeing a lot more of that style coming around in the late 90s. What’s your take on clean vs grimy graff?

A lot of times, graph is judged by how clean the piece is. But there's something about adding intentional dirty and grimy looking stuff to the piece that I really like. I do rock clean stuff from time to time, like this piece here that I did recently, was meant to be clean. Anyway. My favorite tools for getting the grimy sort of look is my main outline is done with the pocket cap. That cap seems to really lend itself to being able to add little bumps and stuff like that. And then I'll go over everything with a needle cap. And that cap is really good because it has a texture to the line. Even when you get really close, there's still a texture to it. But then you can also use it to really sharpen up your cracks and things like that. And then when I'm doing a piece that has the grimy style to it. I usually highlight the whole thing with the needle cap, because that cap automatically adds some texture to it. What do you think about the grimy style? Do you ever add that to your work? Or are you a strictly clean and only clean type of writer?

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