Master 3D Using 3D Perspective

Using 3 point perspective to draw block letters is a great way to learn how 3D works. Using the vanishing points as guides, it can really develop your skills at seeing the various angles of things that will go a long way in helping you freehand your 3Ds was doing graffiti pieces, straight letters and blockbusters with 3Ds.

Here's how you do 3d block letters using three point perspective. So you need three vanishing points. We have ours, one, two and three. We would have a horizon line. So starting at the vanishing point, going to draw a line. This will be the front of our letters. So this line would connect to this vanishing point. This dot would connect to this vanishing point back of the letters. So we'll do from this vanishing point here. I want the letters to be about right here. So this dot will connect to this vanishing point. This dot will connect to this vanishing point. My B will be about this tall. I'll make my u of maybe there. And then you'll just connect this vanishing point, and then these connect back to this one. I'm going to shorten this a little bit so my B, I'm going to block it out like this, so these dots would connect to this. This would connect to this vanishing point. Allright, so I'm going to call it done, basic ideas to use these vanishing points to get your perspectives right, and then you can go ahead and freehand things however you want. All right, hit us up if you have any questions. Thank you for watching.

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