1994 Bus Saber LA River
This was a cool yard in one of the offshoots in the LA River. If I remember right, people referred to it as the SH Yard. Saber and I did a few missions in the LA river. One notable one was across from this yard. We crossed the rushing river in the center to get to a wall that was visible from this yard. It was sketchy! The ground in the center is very slippery, and we were both lucky to have made it across.

Slide 2: 1993 Skil Tempt
I don’t remember where this is, but I feel like it was downtown LA. Skill's style has always been influential for me. He has the ability to create what I would consider a close to perfect 'S'. Skeme also has this quality. It's something I'm still striving for. Tempt was also a big influence on me. I remember seeing his TE throwie on a center divider pole on the 110 FWY around '93. It was honestly my favorite throwie I had ever seen and still easily one of my favorites. A very well-rounded and legendary writer.

Slide 3: 1993 Whitsett Yard
I remember the first time I came to this yard, there must have been 8 of these with different color schemes. It was really cool to see. I saw these very early on in my graff career, and the simplicity and balance of these letters and this particular experience was incredibly influential for me.
Great pics, some great writers, i go back to early 80”s
I was the guy who did the graff used for the movie Breakin. Before radiotron it was called Radio Club. The first writer to do a piece there.
this was 1 of the first yards i ever been too i was 15 (the year was 1986) and i wasnt even writing yet..i started takin pix of graff w my polaroid camera..then i got a little 110 camera and continued taking pictures and the following at age 16 i started writing the year was 1987..but the pieces i saw in that yard were incredible pieces by charlie..genius..step..the dtk crew..grem..the uti crew..tca crew..was an awesome yard..